Climate change affects water quality and quantity

9 Tips to Stay Safe During Rainy Season

  1. Listen to early warning messages and news about floods on radio and TV.
  2. When you see flood warning signs such as long rainfall and rising water levels in lakes & rivers, move to higher grounds or other safer places immediately.
  3. Parents, teach your children the dangers of playing or crossing floodwaters.
  4. Avoid waterways and other areas that are known to flood suddenly. Flash floods can occur in these areas without warning.
  5. Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. Walk where the water is not moving and use a stick to check the depth.
  6. Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters and electrical wires during floods.
  7. Even if it looks clean, water can contain cholera germs. Drink water that is boiled or treated with chlorine. Store drinking water in a clean covered container. Learn more about cholera.
  8. Keep your birth certificates, National IDs, school certificates and other important documents in plastic bags.
  9. Sign up for Emergency Alerts. You can enroll in U-Reports emergency preparedness hotline by enrolling as a U-Reporter. Follow the link below to learn how or text JOIN to 1177.