
What can I do? Can Cholera be prevented?

  • Avoid food and water that could be contaminated with cholera - Only drink water that has been made safe by boiling or treated with WaterGuard chlorine tablets.
  • Wash your hands with soap and running water after going to the toilet, cleaning a child’s bottom and before preparing food, eating or feeding a child.
  • Wash, cook and cover your food and eat it hot
  • Raw or leftover cooked food can be dangerous: Raw food should be washed in safe water or cooked
  • Cooked food should be eaten as soon as possible while still hot
  • Leftovers should be covered and thoroughly reheated before eating
  • Food, utensils and preparation surfaces should be kept clean and away from animals. Food should be stored in covered containers
  • Always use latrines and keep them clean. All faeces, including those of babies and young children, should be disposed of cleanly and safely.

Deaths & Funerals

  • Contact the local authorities immediately when someone dies of cholera - do not touch or wash the corpse
  • If in contact with the corps or its excretions, clean your hands thoroughly with water and soap At funeral ceremonies make sure handwashing facilities are available with water and soap and only safe food and water is consumed.
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